Meet Allyson and Marilyn
Allyson Hayward
For the past twenty-five years Allyson has been recognized internationally as a garden historian, lecturer, and author. She is a graduate of the Radcliffe Seminars Graduate Program in Landscape History at Radcliffe College, and for several years served as Chairman of the New England Garden History Society. She was awarded a Gold Medal by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society for her work in promoting New England’s garden history.
Allyson is the author of Norah Lindsay: The Life and Art of a Garden Designer (London: Frances Lincoln, 2007).This biography consumed about 10 years of Allyson’s life as she researched the life of Norah Lindsay and her family and uncovered her remarkable story. Allyson’s exhaustive research combined her interest in genealogical documentation with her knowledge of garden history. Using original records in dozens of repositories throughout England Allyson’s research revealed unknown details of Norah’s life such as where and when she was born, details about her siblings, and her parents.
Allyson is a contributor to several other publications including periodicals and scholarly journals in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Marilyn Hayward

After graduating from Smith College, Marilyn embarked on a career in the financial services industry. During her 30-year career in the business, Marilyn learned she enjoys working within a team and for clients. As an experienced successful senior institutional investment salesperson, she demonstrated a clear ability to elicit sensitive information and has proven listening skills. With excellent communication skills and an emphasis on dealing ethically with her clients, she built trust and respect rapidly.
After retiring from the financial services industry she went back to school to earn a master's in history. Marilyn was trained in data collection within repositories of all types, and she exhibited strong organizational and analytical skills. Her first inkling that she might enjoy researching her family genealogy was her fascination with the Higginsons, a prominent Puritan family in 17th-century Salem, Massachusetts.
Marilyn graduated with honors from Smith College and an M.A. in History from Salem State University. Awards she has received include the CFA Institute's Chartered Financial Analyst designation, the Edna M. McGlynn scholarship at Salem State University, and was inducted into the Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society, the national honor society for historians.

When Allyson was growing up, her father was transferred several times in his work which led them to live in several counties in New York State including Onondaga, Oswego, Allegheny, and Eire. By the time Marilyn came along, the family had settled on beautiful Skaneateles Lake in the heart of the Finger Lakes of New York State. Because of their personal experiences, they have become specialists in researching in these counties.
Allyson and Marilyn have shared a special bond for decades.