Services, Specialties, and Rates
Our Services include:
Genealogical and Historical Research
DocumentAnalysis – census, birth records, military records, probates, and wills – to help you glean more about your family history
Biographical Narratives – stories about your family ranging from one person, maybe with a fascinating military career to a story about a whole ancestral line
Research Verification- You found a pile of family papers and you are wondering if these family stories are true
Family History Research
Family Tree Pedigree Charts
Lineage Society Applications – You are overwhelmed trying to fill out one of these forms so that you can join one of the many societies in this country, i.e. Daughters of the American Revolution
Life Event Gifting Ideas for your family
What do we do with all those documents we're able to locate?
We conduct in-depth, thorough, and exhaustive research into the contents of the documents.
We correlate the facts from multiple sources, analyze the information we have gathered about your family, and present you with our conclusions by way of an engaging, readable report that reveals the history of your ancestors.
Geographical (regional) Expertise
Central New York, with a concentration in Onondaga and Oswego counties
New England
Great Lakes and Mid-West
Research Specialties
Vital Records Search
Court Records & Probate
Census Correlation and Analysis
Military Records
Church Records
Land Deeds
Cemetery Surveys
Decendency Research
Time Periods
17th century Early Colonial Life
18th century and Colonial America
19th century
20th century

Our Rates
Hourly rate = $65/hour
For planning purposes, 10 hours is a starting point to achieve results for a typical research question. We can complete one phase, then budget to move on to another phase.
We are a small firm and believe that our fees go directly toward our exhaustive research for you and your family. We don’t have high overhead or expensive marketing campaigns that force us to charge higher fees.
The research can be fun but it can also be overwhelming and often incomplete or lacking in proof if you choose to try to do it yourself. You might think you have found your third great-grandfather only to find that there are 4 different Williams' who could be yours! Often it saves you time and money to hire a professional genealogist. It takes a great deal of time if you choose to go it alone. Allyson and Marilyn are well-qualified genealogists who carefully and efficiently sort through countless sources, records, and files to find and analyze the answers you are searching for.
Whether you want to try to do a large segment of your research on your own or need us to help get you started or help finish a project, we are here to help.
In short, we can save you time, frustration, and failure. We work to overcome what we call in the industry a “brick wall” when you get stumped and can’t figure out how to move forward. It happens all the time. We love uncovering a family story through our research and find it exciting to share our exploration and progress with you and to introduce you to the meaningful story of your ancestors.
We will provide you with an easy-to-fill-out questionnaire that gets us up to speed with what you already know about your family.